Faery's Current Roster

Mar 09, 2007 23:36

I decided to start rotating my friend roster. If you are not on my list do not take it personal. I have your information and will add you back. I will rotate my friend roster every week or so. Just comment to be added. Active people will remain on my list always.

I haven't really been playing but that will change soon! I have wifi again! ^_^


Loomily from Home
arianna in buffalo
Vanity from Allwell
molly from awesome
Lindsay from Corn
kath from Berkeley
Bubbles from Delfino
kim from nap town
Jen from New York
Smarsh from home
*Zee Zee from Loco Roco
kate from nyc
Sakura from Malaga
Ruby from Zoisite
♥stacey♥ from eon daze
Solaeris from Obsidian
Andrea from Halcyon
kendurah from zomglol
Ashely from Toronto
Beth from Oceanus
annabear from a-town
Kiwi from Little T
Rachel from Hilltop
Earl from Cheese
Torsie from Sparksy
Azilda in The City
Pixie from Fertland
Bethany from Mordhaus
Misaki from Misaki
Sherry from Midland
Whitney from Verona

Gatita♥ in Allwell
kyoto~♥ in *Decora*
♥Laura♥ in Bummton
Zaki in Shine
Bou in Klonoa
Becca in Nii Town

Update on 03.10.07

animal crossing, friend roster

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