
Jan 22, 2015 10:08

I am so happy this is coming up next month and I am ready to jump in. I am thinking of ideas to prep for it, lol. Not sure how I want to go about it. Do I want to use my printer or not? Do I want everything to be hand stamped? Do I want to make my own stamp? Handmade envelopes? All decorated the same? Red & blue? What pen am I using? Yeah, I love snailmail.

These photos are from last year and I really like using my stamps to make these:

I just used my rubber and acrylic stamps to on sticky labels to make these. I lost the # stamp though.

Here it is cut out and I used a red sharpie marker to make a border. The envelope was a regular plain white and I used my Bic Mark Its to draw and color it all in.

I used the ink pad to make a border on this one and used various stamps on the rest of the envelope.

As you can see, I am still penpalling but not blogging. I usually share my stuff on Instagram now which is much easier since I always have my phone with me. I have two accounts but my mail one is more active, lol. At times I am too lazy to switch.

I need to make a list of who I will be writing to next month. Are you in?

instagram, writing, ig, markers, ink, photos, incowrimo, stamps, mail, snailmail

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