Update mail & me

Aug 17, 2011 23:43

I've been wanting to update but my lazy self keeps winning. Mainly I have just felt drained and so distracted lately. So it is time to focus on my mail again. So I have been doing a little here and there.

I was working on a package for Crystal here using my new border bunch. I am getting the hang of it.

See~ I did this while watching Medium which I am determined to finish before they take it off Netflix. But I want to make a lot and share with my penpals/swappers. ^______^

Ugh, I have even been ignoring my mail & swap journal. I hope to catch up tomorrow but at least mail has been slow coming in.

This is the very recent but I have a few deco swaps to post that arrived as well. But here you can see Kyle's letter that came in last Friday. I had a slam (in blue envie) returned from Flavia in England. And a small note from Carly in Scotland. She moved also and I need to update her on my new addy. Funny thing is that it didn't have an ugly yellow forwarding sticker on it. I think the mail man knows I moved, heh.

I worked on an envie for Sylverhawk this morning. I'll show the rest later when I make another post about it. Sneak peak, hehe.

I even made myself some labels since I have been up since 6am.

So I am determined to get all caught up again. Sorry for the delay if I owe you a letter/swap. Le me know if I owe you something cause I am so forgetful~ It sucks really. I always put things off until my days off but then those days come... And I end up too tired and with no motivation at all. *sighs* So I wait until the next days... So then weeks go by... Grrr, I feel terrible because I feel like I wasted my days off. >__<

photos, envies, swaps, mail art, mail

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