Mail Update

Jun 20, 2011 09:32

Oh my, I have been wanting to do an actual mail update for a while now. My mail is slow these days which is fine. I cannot wait to move and be all settled down so I can get back to my mail, heh.

I wil start things off with recent mail. I got these two letters in on Saturday.

Here is the back of JJKun's letter. Too cute. ^_____^

I got this letter on the 17th from Vanessa L. in MO. I still need to reply to this one as well.

Remember this? Well, I got it back since I didn't put enough postage. Grr. I took it to the post office to mail it out to make sure I had the right amount. This went out Thursday.

Thank you all for sending some mail my way. ^____~

I have been working on getting rid of my excess for a while now. I went from two bins to just one and mostly what I have left are FBs & decos. I still have label bags left but not as much.

All of this went out last Thursday and mostly was label bags.

These are stamped and ready to go out today. Hopefully the mailman will pick the up and not ignore my mail. It really pisses me off when she/he does that. I have my little red mail clip which stands out against the black of our mailbox. Grr.

I am returning a full LB her way and added a few too.

Sending out some excess to NY.

Sending some random excess to her as well.

Sending Matilde an anime deco that I found.

That's pretty much it for this post. We move this Friday/Saturday. Ah, finally~

letters, excess, swaps, mail

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