Lotsa Labelbags~

May 18, 2011 23:40

Today I finally got some mail in and it was a big envelope filled with sticker bags, goodie bags, and I think I saw some slams in there. It really made me smile! It was from Katharina Maier in Germany. I have signed a few bags where I have seen her labels. She contacted me via Facebook where I have been meeting new penpals & swappers.

Here is part of the package. ^____^

And part one & two of what was inside, hehe.

So I gathered some envelopes I made a while ago and made a few bags myself.

I use some of my wooden stamps that I have been using a lot lately. I also tried using my old addy stamp that I never really used with my addy. Instead I am using for bag instructions, heh.

I used my tiny labels and signed one bah which gave me some labels to work with too.

The blue hair girl one is a really cool label. Love it.

I would make more but I ran out of envies and I really can't find my template to make more. Plus, I am getting a little tired already. One thing I hate about about opening for three days straights, grr. So that is all the damage I am doing tonight.

facebook, label, label bags, labels, swap, pictures, photos, mail

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