Deco Mood Strikes again~

Apr 01, 2011 18:52

I managed to deco a bit earlier today which was fun but I really need to clean this room. I know I keep saying it but it is getting to be hard to be creative in here.

This deco is on it's way to Canada right now but it in a heavy swap fro Sarah. I crammed all I could into it, hehe.

I wasn't sure where I was going with this but I do like the end result. I am still just using my scraps trying to get rid of them all. Maybe I should do a swap with someone to pass these bits of paper to someone who will use them right away. They are just gathering dust here making this room look really messy. >_<

Not a deco but a lyrix which I haven't done one in a long time. This belongs to Colleen which I have e-mailed her to see if her address is still current. Hopefully, the e-mail is as well. I had to go and find something for this lyrix and used the lyrics to the song I was listening to at the time. Gotta love Pandora, hehe. I should do something with that corner though.

This is belongs to Cheetaha in the Netherlands and it is a very beautiful decos. I would like more decos like this one, hehe. All blue anime theme and there are four pages left.

Scanned this flat and left Sheri page next to mine like it should be, heh. I went all crazy with the sparklies~

Another neat looking deco with different color pages to choose from. Green and yellow are left. I choose orange, hehe. I came across this girl and I just had to use her. I am happy how it came out.

That is all for this round of decos~ I am too lazy to upload the rest, heh. I need to do a mail post before I delete the photos. Anime decos are up for the taking if anyone wants them.

scans, deco, lyrix

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