Jan 29, 2005 20:15
I am soooo tired
I spent 4 1/2 hours in the emergency room last night with daniel.
2 hours before...
we were driving in the car to get hallie an eeyore doll that was soft and fuzzy cuz she has this really big owwie from a boy at school.
I was complaining about me having to do dishes when i get home.
SO he made a deal with me, he would do my dishes if i sat and did my homework the whole time he was doing them.
SO im at my dining room table working, hes in the kitchen doing dishes. Then it kinda got quiet, but i thought he was just spying on me to make sure i was doing my part of the deal. So then he starts to come out of the kitchen but stumbles with opening the door. Then he peeks his head out and hes super pale and says he needs my help. I walk in the kicthen and all i see is trails of blood.
He bled everywhere!!
Meat was sticking out of his hand so i made him go to the hospital.
He was sweating, his skin was clamy and cold, and he was fading in and out with his dizziness.
so we pick up Shawn and sit at the hospital forever.
he got his stitches, and his shots (he had 2, tetnus and one to numb for the stitches)hurt him.
it wasnt very pretty.
well then he was scared to go home cuz his momma gets mad at him when he hurts himself, so he stayed the night here with me, and he kept moaning in pain all night long. He kept waking up and trying to just sit there.
i felt soooo bad.
it shoulda been me doing the dishes and being cut.
not him.
Now im waiting for my mom and sister to take showers so i can finish those dishes and clean my bathroom and go to bed. Im still soooooo tired. and i slept until 2!!!!!
...I just wanna cry for some reason...