Jan 26, 2005 23:03
He who has courage and faith
will never perish in misery!
~Ann Frank
There is a lot to say in her favor
but the other is more interesting
~Mark Twain
Man has his will
but woman has her way
~William Congreve
i was just looking through the book we did for dteams "Bad Girls of the Bible", which by the way i highly recommend. Well, for the girls that is. Guys might not appreciate it so much. But anyways, i think one of my favorite chapters was the one on Delilah. At the end of each chapter there were some
"lessons to be learned" from each girl. Delilah had some really good ones, and i was just re-reading them. the author of the book, liz, talks about how the love of a man is to be treasured, meaning when a guy "declares their love" for us, we've got to be careful, even if we dont feel the same way. They're apparently a lot more fragile than we think. And being hurt now can damage them even later in life. Also, money wont keep us warm at night. Ok, so thats not exactly what she says lol but its the jist of it. Like, us pursuing material things over maintaining our relationships will screw us over in the end. Good point eh? "weaknesses need to be strengthened not exposed". so very true. the people that we are close to, if they trust us, will eventually expose themselves to us, the good along with the bad, and its our "duty" as a friend to not call them out on the bad, but to encourage them and help them fix things right? that made me think about my weaknesses and how i'd feel if my close friends were to use them against me for their personal gain or to embarrass me or something... makes things hit a lot closer to home that way. Last but not least, "For a happy home, keep your scissors out of reach" haha good one huh? basically by that she's saying little jabs at our guy, or even our families, build up and eventually will bring them down. i know that i have the habit of making the people i love the most feel like crap, just because i'm in a bratty mood or something like that, and its not fair to do that. The world cuts us down enough, we don't need to hear it from eachother.
ok so, i dont know why i felt like i should share that with the world, but i was just feeling it. So, hopefully someone will get something out of it. I know i did. :) sorry, i was in a thinking mood tonite and thats what came out of it. Its only because i love youu