
Jul 21, 2004 16:05

The day is beautiful, but I'm dreary... still holding on to my anger about my car... which yes it still sucks, but there is nothing I can do about it so I just need to suck it up and deal... right?

Been working hard at rehersals, really enjoying all the work we are doing and totally excited because in exactly 2 weeks we do the first performance of Shakespeare's The Two Genlement of Verona for a paying audience. In one week the costumes are all finished, props as well, so it will finally seem more like the show is actually going to happen. I think its the only thing in my life right now that I am content with.

Still don't have a job, and its not like I haven't been looking, because I have... or rather I was. Until this thing with my car happened... so we shall see how things evolve from here. Have a few more places I am going to go out and drop resumes off at.... wish me luck.

One more thing... and this just occurred to me the other day when I was visiting with a friend of mine. I started to actually feel something for a guy I know. And I'm sure I always have, but it wasn't until recently that it finally kicked me in the ass and went "hello! You like this guy!"
Not sure I liked the rude awakening, cuz now its making things hella difficult for me.... he's around all the time. gah! And for all those of you sitting out there reading this thinking "Andy should make a move" well, think again, cuz Andy isn't gonna... too risky, besides, I already know I'm not his type. and yes, I do know his type! lol We've know each other for 3 years... god this is weird....
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