Sep 28, 2006 07:57
So we've just about settled in.. with the exception that we're actually moving apartments this weekend.. Apparently our heater doesnt really work that well so with winter coming on.. it's not so wise to live in an apt that has no working heater.. maybe we just cant figure it out.. who knows... but at any rate we're moving apts in our building.. Our new apt is actually a lot nicer than the one we're currently in.. We've got this HUGEEEEEE walk-in closet and this nice linen closest and a working hood fan.. ( our current apt has a small square walk-in closet, no linen closet and no working hood fan...) We also like the one wall of wood paneling we have in our new apt and our balcony is better.. The two things however that I like the most about our new apt is that one it's at the complete opposite end of the building from the doors.. right now we're like 20 from the front door and just about anyone can walk in at will... and the second best thing is I like our neightbors up there better.. Since we'll be living right next to Mike and Emily (Josh's cousins) and Bruce and Jordan ( Mike and Emily's Friends/Neighbors) But they're pretty much by far the friendliest people in our building.. Other people seem to be getting used to us being there.. They're starting to seem more friendly.. but there are still the anti-socials but whatever.. Work is going pretty good.. I always have the irriating callers but everyone here does.. We've got a lot of people to hang out with also.. so I guess life in general here is pretty good... nothing too bad... I mean utah is utah and I'm still adjusting but it's not quiet a shock anymore it's not always like "Omg do I really life in utah?" I just go about normal daily life now and everything to be good.. I'm not going out of my mind so that's always good... Anyways I'm just rambling at this point so I guess I'll go pittle until I get my next call...