work has been boreing lately. idk. W.e. Got home from work today. Hefferon was waiting for me on my couch. oh boy. hung with her for an hour or so. there was absolutely no food in my house besides celery and smart ones. i think at that moment in time i woulda preferred salt. anywho so chris came to get me with erik. or is it with a c? idk. we went to tgifridays. erik's(c) g/f came with us too. its not sheema its shama. or wait no its shayma. yah that one. idk wtf oh well. we went to tgi-fridays.. mmm chicken. drove around. they yelled crazy things. idk they're all cool ppl.. came home. gram yelled "i shoulda left you on the st. your worthless i dont want you in my house" called my mom. she got mad for no reason too. idk w/e im sick of verbal abuse so i'll just brush it off and pretend like im not made fun of by them every day? *shrugs* stupid lack there of confidence
: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 12 and Write down what it says. "a maiden with tender skin and high color came in. 'Oh i hoped someone would be here'". (Wicked)
2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? garfield magnet
3: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is: 8ish
4: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time? 8:02 ( i knew bc my shows came on )
5: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? The tv..
6: When did you last step outside? What were you doing? an hour ago. saying by to lauren.
7: Before you came to this website, what did you look at? myspace.
8: What are you wearing? socks
9: When did you last laugh? probably. yesterday at rissa's.. idk
10: What is on the walls of the room you are in? posters, song lyrics, pictures, articles1
11: Seen anything weird lately? well lick my balls and call me an oyster
12: What is the last film you saw in theaters? actually saw the full thing.. i cant remember. i think the last one i went to was meet the folkers. remind me to check that out again.
13: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first? apt in NY
14: Tell me something about you that I don't know: all i want is to milk a cow
15: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? end suffering
16: George Bush: skdlaskjdsskdj dont want to get into it
17: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? Paige
18: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? Tallon
19. Favorite artice of clothing: my roxy coat :)
A - Accent: idk dont have one i can talk like a newyorker though
B - Breast size: skdskd thats personal hahaha
C - Chore you hate: i dont do them
D - Dad's name: michael.. hes not my dad he's an asshole that can die
E - Essential
make-up'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">make-up item: mascara
F - Favorite perfume: LiLu for perfume. Chrome for cologne on guys
G - Gold or silver: silver. definetly. without a doubt. eww gold.
H - Hometown: Manhattan, NY
I - Insomnia: a little sometimes
J - Job title: File clerk, student.
K - Kids: that i want to have in the future. 2 no more then 3
L - Living arrangements:I live with my mom wed-sat and my gram sat-wed
M - Mom's birthplace: Waterbury Ct, .. i think
N - Number of apples you've eaten: today 1.. life time. 500,025,600 (okay so i was listening to rent)
O - Overnight hospital stays: zip
P - Phobia: spiders.. dark.. needles.. igloos.. purple
mini vans'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">mini vans
R - Religious affiliation: ----
S - Siblings: only "spoiled" child
T - Time you wake up: weekdays-6 weekends usually no later then 11
U - Unnatural hair colors you've worn: blonde
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: brussel sprouts
W - Worst habit: biting my tongue.. dont ask
X - X-rays you've had: 2.. and a teeth ones too
Y - Yummy foods you make: i make a kick ass pasta and sauce
Z - Zodiac sign: Pisces - the evil fish
finish the sentence
Please do not feed the: children
Absolutely no: smoking in my house
You're a complete: whore
Let's go: yankees!
What happened to all the: dead people
I love all things that have to do with: you on top of me ;D
What about the: smirnof?
Let's walk in the: rain <3
Let's run through: the rain
Let's look at the: stars
Who are those: bafoons!
What a nice: 6 pack
Where did all these: ugly people come from
When will they: get away from me
How are your: private parts
Why can't you: like me?
So where did you find: my shoes
Sing the: blues
Easier than: a whore on cherry st.
Closer than: you think
Look at my: ass
I'll stay if: you tell me whats on your mind
Silly little: stupid whorey tramp
Show me some: skin!!
The sky is: falling ahhh
Tell me a: secret
Hide me: under your covers
Love me: but dont hurt me
Grab the: bomb?
My mom thinks you're: a rapest
He's not: big at all (haha)
Are you that: retarded
I missed: the small bus today
Can't you: tell me how you feel
Lovely little: whore
*Yes or No*
Are you female? Yes
Are you male? yes
Are you both? yes
Do you have a name? no .. its lauren
Did you put it on the top? yes
Do you live in a house? box
Is it a small house? nope big box
A big house? nope small box
Do you live on a box? nope i live in a house
Do you go to school? homo high
Are you a good student? i can be
Did you take your school finals last week? midterms.. yes..
Are you legal? in one yr and 30 days
Are you drinking age where you live? sure
Are you over 18? no
Do you love me? omg you're orgasmic
Do you wear make-up? at times
Do you have a
cell phone'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">cell phone? sadly not
Have you been to a concert? many many
Have you seen your favorite band in concert? yup yup
Did you have fun? mmm
Did you lose your voice from yelling the lyrics? yahh
Do you like blue eyes? a little bit
Do you like brown eyes? yes
Do you have a
digital camera'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">digital camera? soon
Do you have laptop? no
Do you play
guitar" onmouseover="window.status='guitar'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">guitar? No
Do you play drums? Nasodjsoakjdsa i want to sooo bad
Do you play bass? No
Are you in a band? Nope
Band? maroon five, fall out boy, EWF
Song from that band? a lot
Singer? Jason Mraz
Cd? rent / wicked
Game? spin the bottle ;)
Color? lime green/ pink
Season? summer..
Month? feb. june
Year (so far)? 2005
What time do you normally..
Go to sleep? around 1ish
Wake up? 6 ish on school days. Any other day, around 11...
Eat dinner? Between 5:30 and 7
Eat breakfast? whenever
Get dressed on Saturdays? Whenever I want
Get dressed for school/work? 6:45 ish
Brush your teeth? After I get dressed
Take a shower? before i go to bed..
Get to school/work? 7:50ish
Get out of school/work? school 2 work 5
Watch TV? Whenever I feel like it
Talk to your friends? When I can