Pez, is there anything it can't do.

Apr 15, 2004 08:01

adalrico_slytherin_headboy: pez!
adalrico_slytherin_headboy: Thats the one.
armand913: peds?
armand913: ooo pez
armand913: pez is it's own food group didn't you know
adalrico_slytherin_headboy: No.
adalrico_slytherin_headboy: We dont have them.
armand913: that sucks!
hair_impaired_hermione sends Tinge Pez
hair_impaired_hermione: My mom keeps giving me Pez.
hair_impaired_hermione: I can't have sugar.
armand913: the joy of eating candy out of somthings head is great
hair_impaired_hermione: I think she hates me.
adalrico_slytherin_headboy isnst sure what it is. Sniffs it and takes a moment to check it out.
adalrico_slytherin_headboy: XD
armand913: they need to make penis shaped pez despensers lol
adalrico_slytherin_headboy: yuh huh.
hair_impaired_hermione: Haha that would be funny.
hair_impaired_hermione: Vibrating penis shaped pez dispensers.
adalrico_slytherin_headboy cackles.
armand913: yeah flip up the head and eat what's inside lol
hair_impaired_hermione: Masturbate AND have sugar.
hair_impaired_hermione: It's like the perfect menstral companion.
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