*sets on a fresh pot*

Nov 02, 2018 14:31

Welcome! "DARK ROAST: Subverting the Coffee Shop Trope", will be the inaugural round for Twisted Tropes, an SPN/RPF fandom community created with the goal of flipping popular tropes, ass over teakettle. Begun as lark at The 1st Draft Saloon Discord (for information on this server, please drop us a private message), we decided to brew up this comm for the sheer experimentation and mischief of it. (What is a coffeeshop AU, you ask? HERE you go!)

We will probably be annual -- or potentially more often as the whim takes us. Each round will feature a different trope. To date, we will be centered upon the Supernatural and SPN RPF fandoms. (In the future, we may open it up to others but for right now, we're keeping it simple.)

It will be hosted here on LiveJournal, however we will open it up for anonymous prompting and posting to accommodate folks without LJ journals. Shortly, we'll also have tumblr and twitter extensions, for notifications and pimping, as well as an Archive of our Own collection.

The event itself will be a hybrid comment meme/create-whatever-you're-inspired-to affair. Participants will have the opportunity to leave prompts to be subsequently filled by others (with either art or fic). You aren't required to make a fill if you've left a prompt, but it'd be great if you got inspired!

- A bloody case!fic set in a coffee shop, wherein no one is friends and it's anything but a cutemeet.
- Jensen owns the high-octane coffee shop, The Bean Team; Jared is the strange guy he keeps seeing out of the corner of his eye...right before closing.
- The cafe looks normal, but serves human body parts to monsters.
- Dystopian AU: everyone passes through the diner -- the desperate, the dying -- but there's always a hot pot of coffee waiting.

If you've already started something that might apply to the notion of an atypical coffee shop tale, sip it while it's hot! You don't need to wait for a prompt. Our goal is to scramble and subvert the trope into something unexpected, no matter where the idea came from.

SPN and SPN RPF will both be welcomed. Kink or ship shaming, however, will NOT. If you simply can't stand to rub elbows with a wide variety of fans or you're easily squicked out, this is not the place for you. Whichever genre inspires you -- romance, horror, dystopia, etc. -- have at it! Just be sure to repaint the trope in a fresh way, or do something we don't see coming.

The minimum word count is 500 (no maximum), and art should be as polished as you need it to be to get your point across.

Open for (optional) prompting - November 15th.
Open for posting finished works - March 15, the Ides, thru May 1st, May Day or until we think of a fresh trope to twist! ;).

https://twisted-tropes.livejournal.com/443.html">https://i.imgur.com/76U4699.jpg" alt="" />

Come twist a trope with us, if you dare...

Questions? Confusions? Squee? Post below, or drop us an email at twistmytrope@gmail.com. Cheers!

admin, dark roast 2018

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