(no subject)

Mar 11, 2005 16:01

Today Katie and I went over to our old elemtary school and volunteered all day for their field day. Mr. Dempsy let me come too.. We were supposed to do water relay with this two other girls but one event needed more people so we went with another girl to do that. I was pretty bummed but o well. It was kinda boring at first cause it was just little kids. After they explained everything we were doing we all played on the playground and swung and stuff. lolThen we went to lunch and the other people there had like 24 slices of pizza and our table only got 1 =P Lol Then we went outside and me and Sara were going to play kickball against me and Andrea (The Ask Katie vs. The Bullshits aka BritneySpears cuz there was lil kiddos there :) ) Anyway we started with four people and then all these 4th/5th graders came and wanted to play with us so we did. Lol they are so funny and amazed how we are in High School. :) Then after awhile of playing that more high schoolers came so we decided to play high school vs. elementary school. Yeah We totally kicked there asses They pretty much cheated and were sore losers. Lol we beat like every grade. I totally miss kickball during recess :) After that we had to reset up our little distance throw thingy and more classes came. Katies sisters class came and there was a bunch of bitches in there that werent doing anything and they were like far behind so katie was like "Hah should we make them catch the balls?" Cause they hadnt done anything all day and werent even sweating. So the class got all excited and they walked over and we pretty much made them go catch. Hah it was so funny because by the end they were sweating. And katie was trying to tell those damn bitches to throw the balls back after the person threw 3 and one girl was like "We know how to throw" and katie was like "Congrats I didnt think you could" Yeah totally bitchy little 6th graders. Anyway later that day this one class came and katie was checking the scores for the boys and there was this group who were all "Yeah I can throw like 150 feet" and stuff like that. So katie was like, yea prove it mr. ego. lOl and they were all carrying on how egotistic they are and stuff and we pretty much laughed at them. Yeah, none of them got that much. The most got 103 ft. Hah what little losers. They were pretty mad they couldnt beat my friend who threw 200ft. Justin (Hott 8th grader)'s brother was there. He supposdly could get 130ft. :) Lol they were the funiest class. katie got hit in the head by a soft ball. It was literally soft tho so its alright :)

So yeah. End of the day came and we cleaned up and left. They're still there doing team events like tug a war and stuff like that. I'm so sore and my feet hurt because I was barefoot for kickball. Me n katie are going to church to babysit tonight for youth group. =P lol wish I could stay home.

I got sunburned today. ouch.

my rents are having a party tomorrow. should be cool.
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