Jan 10, 2006 12:05
So last night i was in town getting a movie i wanted(the fisher king) and a new playstation controler, i met my younger brother joe comming home from college and we go to get the bus....but wait there for ages and suprize it doesnt show up...wtf is with that why does the 65 miss bus runs out at about 3 and 4 o clock!? Its on the fucking screen to show up its on the time table to show up but the fucker doesnt. So bus not there rather than waiting for another 65 to not show up me n joe decided to just get on the X56 and get off at the bottom of ormesby bank and then walk up it...so we're on the 56 and joe decides he needs to go to the shop ok then we shall just get off at the top of the bank instead swans corner....press the botton to get off at the top and the bus driver doesnt stop....hmm taffic is bad though so we're stopped right next to the friggin bus stop we want....i ask "this bus not stop at swans corner anymore?" thinkiing hed not seen us n go oh sorry ere yar n let us off....no no no drivers all "you said you were getting off at the bottom" "well clearly i changed my mind" "well im not letting you off here you cant do that and the police might get me for letting you off here" ....."so where the hell are you going to let me off then!?" ..."duuuuh guisbroughs the next stop" ...."i live in ormsbey though.....you fucking tool. your a public bus driver not some fancy limmo driver doin!?" ......i shit you not that retard drove us all the way to fucking guisbrough. ......all because the fucking 65 never showed up.....and if he really wanted us off at the crossroads he could have stopped and gone hey you two need to be off here. Its not like it costs any more to go to the top of ormesby bank either...or there was loads of people needing a seat. So anyway ended with us being picked up by me mum.
Movies i got are good i got a john woooooooooooo one called hard boiled people being killed all over there must of been about 50 people in this movie used as human shields. The gun fights in it are class....and the last one is in like a hospital....yeah loads of drs and paitents get shot and stuff too. I was happy with this.
I also got Robotech (anime ting) 1 to 12 just cos i can.