Dec 11, 2003 03:10
.[x].So I went to my therapists feeling completely better then I have been for the past few days. I think I'm over my stomach flu. =). I'm in a really good mood, I drank alot of coffee though for it being merely 3 in the morning. Lol. I'm slightly hyper read to get out in the world and enjoy myself, or how ever they put it. =). But I've been sitting here thinking about stupid little questions. Is it normal for dogs to snore? My dog sneakers does it alot, It kind of scares me.[x].
.-.Changing the topic, Tomorrow well today sense its after midnight. I dress up as an elf, a happy go lucky elf. I might get glitter at Eckerds tomorrow for glitter, and I'll wear tights and skip around in my santa clause hat while throwing glitter at everyone. It will be quit amusing. Anyway, I don't really had much more to write about. Other then random conversations with people online. But I'll write about that more tomorrow.[x].