I want to thank everyone for their patience in this site's temporary hiatus. As many of you know,
jerzeyanjel gave birth to baby Brooke on July 27th and has been a busy mama. I've had my sister's wedding (Oct), my grandfather's death (Nov), and my own health issues this winter.
But enough of that and back to the good stuff...Season Two Twists.
Authors, if you signed up originally to do an episode and can no longer contribute, please let us know. Also, if you are a writer who sees an opening and wants to write for this season, please let us know.
The List as it stands - What's been completed:
1. When she was bad -
jerzeyanjel-- Completed!
here2. Some Assembly Required -
thianna_no_miko -- Completed!
here3. School Hard -
spikeslovebite -- Completed!
here and
here4. Inca Mummy Girl -
maryperk73703 -- Completed!
5. Reptile Boy -
spikesdeb -- Completed!
here and
here and
here5. Halloween -
slaymesoftly -- Completed!
here6. Ted -
spikeslovebite -- Completed!
here and
here7. Bad Eggs -
liz_a_summers -- Completed!
here8. Phases -
spikesdeb -- Completed!
here9. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered -
liz_a_summers -- Completed!
here10. I Only Have Eyes For You -
spikeskat -- Completed!
here11. Go Fish -
spikeshunny -- Completed!
here What's Been Started, But Not Yet Completed:
1. Lie to Me -
alwaysjbj -- Part One
here What's Not Been Posted:
1. The Dark Age -
megan_peta //in progress//
2. What's My Line -
spikespetslayer3. Surprise/Innocence -
diabola794. Passion -
schehrezade_1 //in progress//
5. Killed by Death -
oracleholly //in progress//
6. Becoming -
megan_peta //in progress//