Sep 06, 2006 15:28
"Listen to me..what are we talking about here..we'r talking about a journey..a subconcious safari..a mental expedition..a mind treck..
this planet has been raped, piliged and fucked... the mind is the only uncharted territory...
what are you saying my motherfucking friend do you want to take a trip? or do you want to sit on your ass.."
-scott brown..
hehe..Prophecy rave is coming up yes!!..didnt realise it was so close..October..feels like it was only a lil while ago utopia was on..took my 16 yr old brother to it..hehe corruption.
ahwell he enjoyed getting off guts wit me.. hes doing what I did at 16..stashing the alcohol bottles in his room..fuck its wierd being 20 now..time does seem to fly..
grr stupid cold..*coughs* annoying being sick...stupid brooke gave it to me..*glares*
have another person moving in cause it'd help with paying the rent for the stupid house...
A woman from Brookes work...
Also been pretty good with the pokey problem actually saving some money..though I spent 100 bucks on a couldnt help it..
Special K
Ketamine is a short-acting general anaesthetic that has hallucinogenic and painkilling qualities that seem to affect people in very different ways.
****Ketamine was used for anaesthesia, but in the 1970's patients began to report unwanted visions while under its influence.
"Your running to the edge..with no one there to catch you when you fall....
so take a look around you..the world is so big and you are so small
so turn your back on it now cause its your chance to shine
you take your life in your hands or it will pass you by..."