Recs: Teen Wolf Fics - 2 Polyamory Fics

Oct 01, 2015 13:25

So, I noticed a fun event that Sophia_Clark is taking part in, and decided I needed to get in on the Rectober action, too. Throughout October, I'll be posting fic and art recommendations for various fandoms that I enjoy. Some recs will be for new works, some for old.

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Today, I thought I'd start out easy. These two fics (both written in 2013) focus on building a multi-partnered relationship. Now, to be honest, while I'd occasionally read a kinky threesome fic (only human here), I honestly used to not give two hoots about polyamory. However, after running across several wonderful stories about multiple partners or non-exclusive relationships, I've come to really enjoy them. Well, these happen to be two of the first fics I ever read to fit this category. At some point in the future, I actually plan on writing a Scott/Allison/Stiles fic, but we'll see...Anyhow, on to the recs:

Title:All My Loves
Author: pterawaters
Pairing(s) Scott McCall/Allison Argent/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~20k
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary: Stiles figured the mission would be difficult. There was only one person Deaton knew of who could save Derek's life, but that man - Druid Bruce Monroe - hated Deaton with a passion. Getting into Bruce's good graces would take more than a few lies and a well-placed grin. He, Scott, and Allison would have to go undercover as a married triad, just to get the druid to talk to them. Stiles figured the hardest part of the mission would be keeping their true identities a secret. Boy, was he wrong. It turns out the hardest part is remembering that it's all pretend, and that Stiles isn't supposed to be in love with two of his best friends.

Why I loved it: I'm a sucker for pretend/fake relationships. Especially when they turn into something 'more'. I also liked that the author used the magical!Stiles (Druid!Stiles) trope without taking it to an extreme (I just don't care for fics where Stiles becomes some sort of perfect-magical-calculator who can solve all problems while being loved by all). And, the characters felt true to themselves as they formed this relationship, which is the most important factor for me when I'm reading romance. Can I also get an Amen for some sexy fun times? Very. Sexy. So, yeah, I really enjoyed this fic.


"So," Stiles said looking at Scott, then Allison, then at the one king bed they were supposed to sleep on for the duration of their stay. "Looks comfy."

"Look, if you want, I could sleep-" Scott started to say, and Stiles winced, but Allison went as far as clapping her hand over Scott's mouth. Scott mumbled a one-syllable question from behind Allison's hand.

Stiles tried to mime out something along the lines of, "The walls have ears," but Scott still looked confused.

Allison held up a finger, then let go of Scott and started rooting around in her purse. She pulled out a receipt and a pen and scribbled something, using the dresser as a hard surface. When she turned around, Allison's note said, "The werewolves can still hear us!"

"Ah," Scott said. Then he grinned. "I call the middle spot in the bed!"

Stiles had to bite his lip to keep from laughing, and Allison said, "Well, damn! That's where I wanted to sleep."

"Now, now," Stiles broke in. "You both know it's my turn to sleep in the middle. Fair's fair."

"You sure you're remembering right?" Allison said, sitting down heavily on the bed so she bounced a few times before coming to rest. "I distinctly remember it being your turn last night. That means it's my turn."

Scott got this weird look on his face, but he said, "I don't mind if Allison's in the middle." The way Scott blushed gave Stiles an inkling of the thoughts that had put the weird look on his face.

Title:His Heart's Content
Author: eldee
Pairing(s) Scott McCall/Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey
Rating: Teen
Word Count: ~18k
Warnings: n/a
Summary: In the aftermath of renewing the Nemeton's power, Scott and his pack have to deal with a new threat raining over Beacon Hills. Scott also has to get used to the fact the two people he wants most are now dating each other.

Why I loved it: While I'm not a huge fan of Allison/Isaac in canon (fanon can make everything better, right?), there's something about the obviously affection Isaac has for Scott (and vice versa) that I really enjoy. So, putting together Scott/Allison/Isaac is a wonderful choice. This fic does a great job of approaching the start of this complicated relationship while also tackling Scott's emotions and confusion (surprisingly few fics do this) and, of course, a new threat to Beacon Hills. The only thing I didn't like about this story is that it has an ending. ;)


"Hey, guys," Scott said casually as they sat down, Lydia in front of Stiles and Allison taking the seat in front of him. It had gone back to being a little weird, like that first day back at school, but he was determined not to let it be. He and Allison had become friends, and he wanted to try to keep it that way, even if she was possibly seeing someone else. Who lived with him. And was his friend. In their pack.

Yeah. So much had been lost recently. But at least Allison wasn't gone so Scott was going to hold on to what he had, and how he could have it.

Stiles leaned forward so he could speak quietly to Lydia. "What does this rain feel like to you?"

"Wet and disastrous for my hair," Lydia said, fingers combing back some of her perfect red locks.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant."

"Well that's what it feels like to me," Lydia said, flipping open her binder. "You're going to drive yourself crazy if you try to look for something horrible every time you turn around."

"That's what I've been telling him," Scott said. "Hey, did you understand anything Mr. Cartwright said yesterday?"

"Yes," all three of them replied at once. Scott was about to ask for clarification on what the hell Act I Scene 3 was about when Stiles huffed.

"If our town is lost under a torrent of flash floods because of some little aquamarine squishy ball of evil, I am so going to say told-you-so," Stiles said, leaning back in his chair.

Allison laughed, and it was quiet and amused. It was nice to hear that from her again. "Stiles, everything is fine." She glanced at Scott and there was something a lot deeper behind her eyes. "Right?"

"Right," Scott said, nodding. "We're all good."

"Subtle," Lydia commented, but didn't have a chance to continue.

~story recs, ~rectober, fandom: teen wolf, pairing: scott/allison/isaac, pairing: scott/allison/stiles

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