Supernatural Art + Story Pimp: Bedroom Hymns - Crowley/Naomi

Sep 13, 2015 22:37

My story for Het_bigbang became a big mess, so I didn't finish in time. However, I was already well aware of a story that Patriciatepes was writing for the Little Bang track, and offered to make her a cover for it. It occurred to me that I didn't share the piece or share the story link with my f-list. Patricia did a great job of capturing the sexual (both playful and darker, more violent) aspects of this rare pair, as well as exploring Naomi's personality as a worker-bee angel.

The cover is SFW, but the story is NSFW, so I'm going to put the info and manip under a cut. Enjoy.

Title: Bedroom Hymns
Author: Patriciatepes
Summary: Beginning of SPN S6. After the Apocalypse was beaten, free will was realized as a new concept to the angels. But, for Naomi, the concept is one that she has no way of grasping. At least, not without the newly crowned King of Hell’s help.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Very graphic sex and dubious consent
Story link: LJ or AO3

type: fan art, ~big bang, pairing: crowley/naomi, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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