Challenges I've recently signed up for, and my current FF project. Yes, I'm an idjit.

Feb 16, 2015 18:00

Just to prove I don't have to be lured into a challenge in order to write...I am currently working on a chapter fic length Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Teen Wolf crossover (somehow this all started during Twisting the Hellmouth's August Fic-A-Day). Nothing epic and it's probably been done to death, but the storyline just won't leave me alone.   I'm having a hard time with its outline, even though I know what general direction I'm heading in. The story isn't focused on any one character, though Stiles (because originally I intended humor) and Allison and Chris (because then a plot appeared) seem to be forcing their way to the surface for the Beacon Hills crowd and a post-series Robin Wood, Dawn, and Faith are sounding in for BtVS.

I was originally planning to keep the fic gen, and I still may do so, but I'm tempted to ship a few characters for funsies. Faith/Chris might be interesting, depending on how the story turns maybe Faith/Peter, and Dawn/Derek could be hot (though Dawn-haters and the SterekOTP crowds might hate me--I doubt I'll be able to convince anyone that Dawn and Stiles are so alike it's basically the same ship, right?). Alas, I don't think I'll be able to work in Chris/Derek, even though I desperately want more of that ship in my life.  My main problem with romance is I usually don't choose how far it develops, I just let the characters take their time. Which sometimes leaves the ship lukewarm. Suggestions? Thoughts?

Aside from that, I've signed up for the Teen Wolf Reverse Bang as both an author and artist. I already have one piece of art finished, and I'm thinking of making another. But I have plenty of time to decide... Join me?

Come and join twreversebang!

Rules and Information
Sign Ups: Artists | Authors | Fic and Art Betas

And I also signed up at Case Story. Since they let you use pre-published incomplete WIC for this challenge, I'm thinking of picking up on an old casefic of mine and FINALLY finishing it. I'm not going to say which story, but if I work on it, I'll definitely make a few readers happy. Though, you never know with me, I might write something completely fresh.

Authors/Podifccers Sign Up & Artists Sign Up @ LJ
Authors/Podifccers Sign Up & Artists Sign Up @ DW


Over at the bingo where I help mod, the first Amnesty challenge is coming to a close on the 20th. I've been a bad girl. Haven't even started on my entry yet, but please feel free to participate HERE.

~babblinglikewillow, ~news

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