Art Masterpost for Times We Have Lost - SPN Reverse Bang

Jan 27, 2014 15:10

For the SPN_ReverseBang, I also made a second piece inspiring a Mary Winchester story....I had a great time on this and really enjoyed the story that brutti_ma_buoni came up with.

Art Title: Her Boys

Fic Title: Times We Have Lost
Author: brutti_ma_buoni
Word Count: 4755
Summary: As if keeping a lid on Lilith and the seals wasn't enough fun for Dean and Sam, who should turn up in their lives but Mary Winchester, large as life and out of time. Except, it's not like Sam remembers her. Which leaves Dean with twice the headache. Exactly what is he prepared to do for family - and which family does he choose?

Fic Link(s): LJ

Original Prompt Image

~masterpost, type: fan art, ~big bang, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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