Wishlist 2011, Prompt Post - AKA, Slinky's 12 Days of Christmas

Oct 15, 2011 00:26

EDIT OCT 23: FULL! Stories should start appearing in December, so do come back and check them out.

Wishlist 2011, Prompt Post

What is the Wishlist?

The Wishlist is a multi-fandom Christmas fanfiction fest. It is something that started very small and simple three years ago. The premise was simply to write twenty-four ficlets in response to twenty-four prompts, posted between 1 Dec and 24 Dec. Fandom gifts, if you will. Since then it's grown and changed a bit.

The community and the rules in detail can be found here.

I have signed up to be a writer and if you want to give me a prompt, please leave a comment on this entry.


- I accept the first 12 prompts I am given, regardless of who you are or if I know you.

- You give me characters/pairing, a fandom and a prompt.

- If I don't know the fandom you're requesting, your prompt doesn't count. Also, I don't write for slash (including Wincest) unless it's canon, like Tara/Willow (which I love), but I'm cool with most other pairings, dark or fluffy.  And I love crossovers and gen/non-pairing quite a bit, too. No rating limits. If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask. The fandoms I write in are:


Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Harry Potter

Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: SG-1

Batman Begins/Dark Knight

Batman the Animated Series


Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries

Criminal Minds

House, M.D.

The Vampire Diaries (TV series only)


Merlin (BBC)


Veronica Mars

CSI (Vegas)



- If I find your prompt in any way offensive, I will disregard it, too. Fair warning.

- Your prompts can be a quote, an idea, a specific situation, but the more you give me, the more I have to work with. Throwing Character X/Character Y, whatever at me is going to get you whatever. To see what I normally write, you can visit my links section over to the left side.

- If you don't have an lj account, leave an anonymous comment, but make sure to sign it with a name (possibly your TtH name, if you're coming from that end.)

- I answer the prompts and post them here and/or in the wishlist_fic community starting 1 Dec 2011.

Again, I need fandom, characters or pairings, prompt, and your name.  Thanks so much for the prompts!

~news, ~wishlist, ~prompt

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