SPN Reverse Bang Art for "My Father's House" by Tyrsibs

Nov 21, 2019 01:07

So what do you do when you want to see some more Weechester & Uncle Bobby tales out there? You make sure your SPN-reversebang art plants the right seed for an author. :D  And wow, I was so fortunate to have Tyrsibs pick my doodle as inspiration! They're an amazing writer, and, oddly enough, I've made art for them before, so as soon as I saw their name, I knew they were going to write something right up my alley. Go check out their amazing gen fic "My Father's House" as soon as it's posted (I'll have a link and summary up later today or you can keep an eye out for us on the SPN-reversebang community). It's a fast read that packs a great punch in the feels, especially if you're a fan of Bobby Singer... And if you're not a fan of Bobby Singer, get off my yard!

Still there? Ok, well here's the original prompt art. When I created it, I wasn't sure which direction the author might go in, so I decided I labled it "Visiting Daddy." As soon as Tyrsibs told me what they were planning to write, I was so happy! And also so mad that it wasn't an actual canon ghost hunt, because I could so see that happening in a flashback episode.

~masterpost, type: fan art, ~big bang, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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