Supernatural art: Sparks Dancing in the Darkness by Tyrsibs

Jan 26, 2019 19:46

I decided to take part in Quicky-Bang's (ongoing) Speed Date pair-up to give me inspiration since I haven't made any traditional artworks in a few weeks. I still need to work on my watercolor skills >.<  But this was fun. Do check out the great short-fic that inspired this work. It's " Sparks Dancing in the Darkness" by Tyrsibs, and it's a lovely look at the dying sun at the end of season 11. The art below is intended to feature Cas, Crowley, Chuck, Sam, Dean & Rowena in the first block, Jody Mills next to the Alpha Vampire, then Garth Fitzgerald's father-in-law's church. The last block is Benny's view from Purgatory as he looks up at the blackening sky. Enjoy!

type: fan art, ~prompt, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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