New Multi-Fandom Big Bang Promo

Oct 08, 2018 12:29

Hey, f-list, I have a favor to ask of you. Patriciatepes and I are hosting a big bang challenge. Sign-ups begin later this month and we'd love to generate some interest. If you're interested, come check us out and join the comm. If you're not, but you have friends who might enjoy an excuse to write a canon divergent AU, snatch up one of our handy promo banners and share it, please.

So, what's the theme for Dark Paths? Well, we're looking for stories where canon goes sideways at some point, and the point of divergence doesn't lead to rainbows and puppies. Or, at least not right away ;) It doesn't have to be entirely angst and horror, if that's not your bag. Happy endings, funny tales, those are fine too, but somewhere along the line, the alternate path taken leads to dark results. What if Harry Potter chose Slytherin? What if the Alpha wolf didn't bite Scott McCall, but another Beacon Hills resident? What if Buffy Summers left Sunnydale to fend for itself? What if Teal'c never joined SG-1?

All fandoms and crossovers welcome. Come, have some fun, create something awesome.

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