Art Masterpost: No Search, All Rescue by ArsenicJade (Teen Wolf)

Aug 18, 2017 16:30

My second art claim over at the WIPbigbang was for Arsenicjade's absolutely wonderful Teen Wolf story, "No Search, All Rescue." I loved this story for a number of reasons, and the Derek whump (and Chris whump) made that list. The story features some great ships, Derek/Stiles & Noah Stilinski/Chris Argent/Melissa McCall (loving this rare!pair poly so much). It also does a wonderful job of addressing the other characters in a positive, pack-lovin' way. I wish I'd balanced my time better so I could have made more art, but, as I always to, I procrastinated to the last minute.

As soon as the story is posted, I'll update this with a proper link, or you can keep an eye on the WIPbigbang community. (If you ask in the comments, I'll reply with a link, so that way you don't have to backtrack and find my post.)

Onward, to the art...

Click on the images to see them in full size. For the title card/poster, I decided to go with some symbolic imagery. None of this is traditional art this time, all photomanips. The wolf images were both from NatGeo, I believe, and the other images were from wiki commons and Google searches. Textures were from texturepalace. *insert boring info here*

Here's the lower banner by itself.

And, here's a secondary image to fit a scene from the story, or the way i visualized it.

~masterpost, fandom: teen wolf, type: fan art, pairing: stiles/derek, ~art post

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