Time for Het Bang Sign Ups

May 04, 2017 11:21

For those who are looking for an excuse to write that het bang story collecting dust at the back of your mind, here's your chance. I've signed up to write a "big" bang story and a "little" bang story. (No news on whether that'll actually happen, lol)  For my big bang, I'm going to once again tackle that friggin' Faith/Dean story that's been haunting me for a year. I swear I have 12 handwritten pages of notes on this story, but barely anything written for it. So, try, try again. My little bang idea is a Ron/Hermione--I never thought I'd go that vanilla, but there you go. I'm actually hoping it with jump start a series of small fics that explore a canon post-Voldemort world to see what life was like for our favorite characters right after shit went down at Hogwarts.

I believe that brings me to five stories I'm supposed to write for challenges in the near future. I have a hc bingo story due this week, a short exchange story at SPN big pretzel, my WIPbang story... I think I know how I'm spending my summer, and *spoiler* it's not going to be on a beach. :)


het_bigbang is back for another round of awesomeness and we want you to come join us!!

Big Bang: 25,000 words. Any Fandom. Any Het Pairing.
Little Bang: 10,000 words. Any Fandom. Any Het Pairing.
Author Sign Up I Artist Sign Up I Beta Sign Up I Cheerleading Sign Up

Author Sign Ups - Open till May 17th, 12:00 PM (NOON) PST
Mandatory Author Checkpoint - July 15th
Artist Claiming of Big Bang Stories - July 20th
Art and Fics Due - August 26th, 11:59 PM (Midnight) PST
Debut Date (DD) - August 31st

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