Just to clarify, I'm not dead

Feb 06, 2017 21:30


Hey, everyone! I'm still alive. I know I haven't been very active of late. I took a short break to work on some original fiction, to procrastinate about working on some original fiction, to eat too much during the holidays, and to scream internally over the political climate of my country...All that jazz.

Anyhow. I'm dying to get back to the really important things in life: FANDOM. Like, fandom might actually be the only thing keeping me sane. Sane-ish. I know I don't have many readers here on LJ, but for the sake of my fake sanity, I thought it would be helpful for me to post a small list of things I'm working on or going to be working on. At some point. Like sometime between this month and five years from now.

So here's a list of some stuff I might be writing soon. Let me hear your thoughts.

* I See A Darkness (WIP) - I haven't updated in, oh, five years ;) But I have a doc open, I have scenes written, I have outlines being stared at on a regular basis. So, I'm actually working on this Criminal Minds/Supernatural fic again. Finally. I'm not a big-shot fanfic queen, but ISAD has a small following, and those people deserve to get an ending. Hell, I deserve to get an ending...I'm so mad at me for not writing one yet. >.<

* Angel-focused Superlock story - I'm not even beginning an outline for this until the end of this season of SPN, due to wanting to include info on the Men of Letters, but I've been wanting to write a story about fallen angels in the Sherlock verse for years. And I want this fic to be a nice long chapter fic, so I can savor it.

* Nothing Ever Happens in Sioux Falls (WIP) - I've already started this SPN/Teen Wolf crossover, put up a tease of a chapter, and then hesitated when I realized that I wanted to know more about the Stilinski family. Now that Season 6A is complete, I'm ready to start back...as soon as I get some ISAD written first. I mean, I have about ten active WIP stories, and I plan to get back to them, but this one is at the top of my list.

Speaking of Teen Wolf...

* Wouldn't a Sterek story that starts like that show Awkward be fun?

* Pass It On - One day I will write that Teen Wolf season 2 Stiles/Allison/Scott re-write.

* One day I will also write that story where the last surviving member of a pack is a toddler and needs to be delivered to its pack-allies, the Hales.

One day I'll finish some of this crap...

~babblinglikewillow, ~news

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