Sherlock Art for "The Littlest Untruth" by afteriwake

Aug 18, 2016 01:11

I'm a bad blogger. You might have noticed this if you're on my flist. I seriously only seem to post when I have something to present. I rarely post anything personal. This is a problem I have when I try to post on my blog for my original fiction. I haven't updated it in...oh probably four years. And, before I stopped, most of my posts were just advertisements and release date announcements for short story anthologies featuring my works. So, a question for all my friends out there who keep a regular blog (that's not entirely about fandom): how do you come up with material to talk about? Do you ever feel nervous when writing about yourself or attempting to give advice?

On to the fun stuff...

The last piece I'm posting for the wipbigbang is a cover for the Afteriwake's Sherlock/Molly story "The Littlest Untruth." I originally posted the art and a link to a larger version HERE on AO3, but thought it would be fun to share on LJ as well. (Also this serves as a means to recommend Afteriwake's lovely story I guess.)

pairing: sherlock/molly, type: fan art, ~big bang, fandom: sherlock (tv), ~art post

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