Artpost for "The Route from Just Me to Three" by CaptainTinyMite

Jul 29, 2016 22:51

For the WIPbigbang, I created art for Captaintinymite's awesome Teen Wolf fic "The Route from Just Me to Three," which features a ship I adore, Lydia/Stiles/Derek.

Click on any of these to see the full-sized versions.

The Route from Just Me to Three by Captaintinymite: AO3
After their run-in with Sebastien Valet left Stiles and Lydia with life threatening injuries, Stiles decides that enough isenough. He has to get out of Beacon Hills before it killes him. When he learns that he's been accepted to a university in new York City, and that Lydia will be attending Columbia, they both arrange to graduate high school a semester early thanks to sufficient credits.

Derek, who has kept in touch with both Stiles and Lydia since he high-tailed it (no pun intended) out of town, invites them to share his condo in Long Island with him, and they jump on the chance.

The only problem?

Stiles is desperately in love with Derek, and now...recent events have brought what he thought were long since dissolved feelings for Lydia to the surface. Confused and worried about hurting one of his closest friends, he suffers alone. Until one night of heavy drinking changes things.

What is he going to do?

I also created a smaller banner:

And an illustration:

And here's a version of the title poster without the text:

About the art:

Well, I originally planned to make a manip for this story's banner/poster, but I had the sudden urge to draw. (I've barely drawn over the past year, so I need to get back in the habit.) If I'd had more time, I probably would have attempted another drawing or two. The poster drawing was an ink illustration (3 actually) that I scanned and then added some coloring and texture to, but the other illustration was done mostly in Gimp--I've never quite created one this way, and it was fun. The main text is called Rebel Heart. And...I can't think of anything else to point out.

Just go read the story now, because it's fantastic. Oh, and comments are lovely too. <3

~masterpost, fandom: teen wolf, type: fan art, ~big bang, ~art post

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