Rectober: 3 Epic Supernatural Crossover Universes

Oct 21, 2015 16:09

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Okay, I think by now we've established my great love of both writing and reading crossovers, right? So, it's about time I share with you a few Supernatural crossovers that I consider "epic." Epic is a word that takes on so many different meanings in our modern world, so while these fics fit several of those definitions, I'd like to clarify that these tales are both super long (the smallest series ringing in at over 200k) and legendary (as if Winchesters weren't legendary already). For today's reccing, I have a Supernatural/Harry Potter series, a Supernatural/X-Men long-fic, and a Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Most of you will probably find these stories familiar (since a couple of the authors are actually on my f-list), but hopefully someone will find some new reading material here.

Series Title: The Demented!Verse (AO3)
Author: hells_half_acre
Epic Length: +300k (and growing), over 10 works
Pairing(s) Mostly Gen with some canon pairings.
Warnings: n/a
Summary: Harry saves the Winchesters from a Dementor attack, but the Winchesters aren't the only ones that need saving.

Why I loved it: I've read "Damned Demented Demons," the first story in this series, at least three times, and I love the rest of the works just as much. Hells_half_acre has done an awesome job of capturing the Winchesters and their growing relationship with post-series Harry Potter and the other wonderful characters from the wizarding world, including Harry and Ginny's kids. When Auror Harry meets the Winchesters, they're all capable grown-ups, they're all dealing with their lives and the dangerous work they do to keep others safe. This isn't a series about one side being weaker than the other or one fandom stealing the storyline. And, a nice bonus is the number of characters who appear in the series; it's hard to find next-gen HP characters in crossovers, and then there's slightly-less-of-an-asshole-now Draco Malfoy, and I can't forget about the fun correspondences between Hermione and Bobby Singer...This series is well-balanced, fun, and it follows the going-ons of the SPN seasons in a really interesting way. If you've been looking for a fun crossover between these worlds, this one will keep you entertained for quite a long time.

"Dean?!" Sam yelled, as he watched Dean's knees buckle. He made a move towards his brother, but found himself struggling to breathe, let alone move. It felt like an icy hand had wrapped around his heart, and Dean was dying all over again, again and again and again before his eyes.

"Sammy..." Dean whispered desperately, his voice breaking over the name. Sam watched as Dean's eyes slid closed and he fell unconscious onto the pavement. Sam had failed him again, just like he always did. Sam tried to move towards Dean again, falling to his knees in the process. He tried to crawl to his brother's prone body. His vision was getting black around the edges. No, no, he was still in the parking lot, there was just black around the edges. Black figures around the edges. Sam tried to focus on them; he wondered if they were reapers, come to take his brother away from him again. But it hurt to look at them, like he couldn't quite focus.

Was Dean screaming? No, it was in his head. The hell-hounds, the fire. Sam shook his head and tried to focus on Dean in the parking lot. The screaming in his head stopped for a second and his vision cleared. He saw some of the black figures shift and glide, flying, but almost translucent like shadows.

Suddenly, something silvery blue ran by Sam - a deer? The icy grip in his chest disappeared, though he was still left cold and slightly breathless. The black figures fled before the silver thing, too quickly for Sam to get a good look at them. Looking at them hurt his head anyway, like he was trying to see something that wasn't there. Sam tried to stand on his shaking legs, to get to Dean, but stumbled.

"Slow down, mate," someone said in a British accent from just below his left shoulder, and Sam realized there were hands on his arm, trying to help him stay upright. Sam's heart was suddenly in his throat, and he whipped his head around to find the source of the voice.

He looked down into green earnest eyes, and felt himself relax, against logic.

Title:Wolverines, Wendigos, and Winchesters
Author/Artist: SciFiNutTX
Epic Length: +400k words...almost one story
Pairing(s) Mostly Gen, with eventual Dean/FOC and Sam/Jess
Rating: Teen
Warnings: n/a
Summary: SN pre-series / post X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Dean meets Wolverine during a solo hunt, which leads to friendship and a new job.

Why I loved it: You'd think that with a story this long, I would have only read it one time, right? Heehee. This story is way more than the summary implies, and I hope my statement of love here doesn't spoil it for you. For the most part we have a young, pre-series, hunting-on-his-own Dean who gets himself pulled into a completely different future thanks to a run-in with Wolverine. While we later get to see Bobby, John, Sam, and Jess, this is mostly Dean's tale. It touches on tropes I enjoy; hurt!Dean, smart!Dean, powers!Dean. And, of course, it has a fun storyline about demons and mutants.

Okay, how about instead of an excerpt, I just give you an image made by Outcast-child18 for the fic (double rec?) to tease you into clicking on that link above...

X-Men Supernatural crossover by Outcast-child18 on DeviantArt

Series Title:Hunting and Slaying
Author: LolaAnn
Epic Length: +200k over 4 works
Pairing(s) primarily Dean/Buffy, later Sam/Faith
Rating: T through M
Summary for first story, Grand Canyon: The Summers girls and the Winchester brothers meet when they're on 'vacation'. They should be able to relax, but trouble seems to follow these characters.

Why I loved it: Don't get me wrong, I love the ladies of SPN, but when I try to pick which het ship I like the most for Dean, I land in a crossover. Likewise, when asked if I think Buffy should end up with Spike or Angel (both great characters, IMO), I tend to answer "Dean Winchester." I don't think it takes any stretch of the imagination to see how hot Dean/Buffy can be, and LolaAnn handles this ship in a fun way. She balances humor and horror much in the same way that BtVS so expertly did, too. So, if you're at all interested in sailing this ship, you should give this series a try.


"You ladies order whatever you want, it's on me and Sam," Dean said smoothly. "You can even have two slices of bacon."

He was really working to lay on the charm. He couldn't seem to stop staring at this girl. Her face was so expressive, and she had an interesting way of talking. He also loved the way her lower lip seemed to be stuck in a permanent pout. This little lady had a look that hit just the right note between wholesome and sultry - the one that made his pants suddenly feel a little too tight.

"No, no… I didn't mean. Really, I've got me and Dawn," Buffy answered quickly. "I just can't believe any place would have the nerve to charge $15 for a deli sandwich is all. Tourist trap much?"

"It's the view you're paying for, sweetheart."

Somehow, Buffy doubted he was talking about the natural wonders of the Canyon. She could feel his eyes on her the whole time they'd been sitting there and it was making her a little nervous. Not nervous in a creepy/evil guy yuck sort of way. Actually, she could handle that kind of thing with no sweat.

Creepy and evil, Buffy had that covered. But, hot and cocky, walking-sex guy…. that was a little scary. And what did that say about her psyche? It was time to move onto a line of conversation with a little less potential for double entendre.

~story recs, ~rectober, fandom: supernatural, type: crossover

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