Everything was fine except for the rain. I saw Star Wars III in the theatre by myself. I kept losing my concentration on the movie, because there was a little girl that kept screaming and making weird noises. Then there was the guy a couple seats down who kept on opening his cell phone to check the time, so that was another distraction. It reminded me of why I don't go to the theatre that often. The last movie I saw before that one was Alien Vs. Predator, and why I saw that movie I really don't know. What I do know is that the movie sucked.
I love my livejournal layout and my mysace layout. It's all because
jubilee took the time to do it.
Today I also bought the new albums by Nine Inch Nails and Sleater-Kinney. I don't think I'll be seeing Sleater-Kinney in concert this time around, but I have to really think about it. It's more than likely sold out. My main concern is not the drive, but the fact that during the last time I went by myself to Philly I ended up getting lost in the city. If I had someone to go to the concert with me, I would definately go. I have never been to a concert by myself, and only drove to Philly by myself once. It took me a couple times to find nation in D.C. I really need to go to the club again, but with work having me to come in Friday morning's at 8 a.m. would be kind of hard for me to go to the club.
I owe money to someone at work because I almost went broke last week, and he wants me to go to a baseball card shop with him. He collects cards, and it's something that I used to do. I even collected rubber bands once, don't ask me why. I also collected those tooth picks that look like little mini plastic swords. Oh, the one collection that I could'nt have for very long was a rock collection. I'd just take rocks from the driveway that I thought looked really cool, and my mom told me to put them back outside. I guess the only thing that I collect is cd's, and I got four cd's in this month. Hopefully, I can find a way to quit smoking which would allow me to get more cd's with the money that I save from smoking, but I really don't want to quit.
It's a good thing that I don't have to be at work till 10:30 tomorrow. Yesterday, I locked myself out of the house, and it was'nt fun. I had to run all the way down to my grandmother's house, get her keys, run back to the house, unlock the door, call work to tell them that I'm going to be late, then get my keys, go to my car, drive down to my grandmother's house, and then to work. My legs still hurt from that run.
So yeah, it was an okay day. I was'nt late for work this morning.