Dec 09, 2004 15:40
I want someone to hold me. I want his strong arms wrapped around me, letting me kno that everything will get better. I want someone who understands me and love me for who I am, not who he thinks I am. I want him to encourage me to fight or to cry, which ever best suits the time. I want him to treat me as an equal. I dont want him to back off just because I'm a chick. Aggersiveness, but not overly jelous. Sweet, caring, playful, funni, cute. I want someone who is athletic enough to run with me or just grab a ball and be like go long. It simple what I want, it's really not hard. U just have to understand. Yes, I kno I talk about 20 different things at once, but its okay, u just pick a subject and hang on. I have a lot to say. I have a lot I want to do. But i just dont have that someone to have heated descussions with, or just goof off with, or even call me in the middle of the night to just talk about anything because he couldn't sleep. I want it all. I dont care what we do or who he knows, or where we go, or who his best friend it. As long as we are together everything will be fine. Maybe one day i will find my man. Whereever he is I hope that one day he'll wake up and realize, hey, I could see myself with her for a long time.....
Its simple....