Vaas, here I come! lol

Oct 11, 2014 15:37

I have discovered the wonders of first person shooters (I'm an rpg girl). I've always doubted my capabilities because I can't handle the surprise elements. For the first time in my life I tried one, Far Cry 2, and it turns out I'm amazing at sniping and driving a vehicle HAHAHA. Read that with a sprinkle of sarcasm plus I panic at close encounters, but still, I'm surprised. However, the perfectionist in me takes forever to do anything because I check every nook and cranny and plan ahead five steps. It did confirm my lust for the third game so I bought it and played the second one for 10 hours last night. How's that for my day rhythm?

There's a column on a stupid native forum website that I follow for giggles, and it says they would rather buy concrete things like nice flowers than experience life like concerts because in the end they won't remember it anymore. What's your take on it?

p.s. I cry every night because I really want to continue my big story but I just don't have the motivation! :( I just wish I could get it done before Christmas! Is that too much to ask?


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