Why do I have the weirdest fiction ideas at this hour? Or at any hour? Why is my mind like it is?
I'm so going to write it though. There are actual tears in my eyes for laughing so hard at the plot. I'm so gonna do it. Poor Eames dear God.
And because I'm in need of a first pic spam in my journal
It does have very limited faces. But it isn't any humanform-admiring or face-licking kind. yet
Adorbs! I just picked these up from my old Inception pics folder. That doesn't really involve a whole lot of the film.
I find this so creepy.
and wtf.
But this guy. I mean. If he were looking like that during Inception I would never be able to get through with the film.
For some final profiles. Ah my favorite person. Gorgeous.
And Arthur's aim face. Gorgeous as well.
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Anyway there was also this dream that I had. I lucided a bit in it too. There was this girl. What is up with me and little girls in my dreams recently? Do I have a trauma I'm not aware of? Anyway that girl was very annoying and didn't give me personal space and I actually threw her around like, bashed her several times but she kept getting up and teasing me. She was also wearing this black velvet dress. I'm not kidding. Well so I wanted the dream - nightmare- to end and strangely right at that moment I realized I was dreaming and I wished for the scenery to change into a palace. So it did. Taking a hard effort though. But the girl appeared there again. I can't remember much afterwards, there was a whole other society ball there and whateverthefuck. Just that it wasn't a nice dream.