Sep 08, 2005 15:30
the strangest thing happened at my school yesterday. i wasn't there when it happened, but it sure as hell affected me this morning.
so some preppy kid in his fancy car had those neon light things under his car. as he pulls into the parking lot, everyone is like "Your car is on FIRE! Your car is on FIRE! GET OUT!".
so the idiot pulls into a parking space in a FULL parking lot. there were cars on all sides of him. (DUH! why would you ever pull into a parking space if your car was on fire.)
so the car blows up. yup. it blows up. annnnd.... it catches 4 other cars on fire. My friend from last semester, Mary, had her car totalled. and she only gets face value for the car, which is like NOTHING.
people are stupid.
so now today, the fire department made the school mark off almost a whole row of faculty spots. and plus blocked off like 3 spots from where the car blew up. So there were literally no parking spaces.
I drove around for 20 minutes until finally some people started leaving. And I was late for class. lovely :)