Jun 16, 2005 23:13
Today I was inspired to update by a book called "The Long Walk" which was written by Stephen King under his penname of Richard Bachman. I don't wish to get into details about the book, but I will upon request. And so, after finishing this book, I went to work and thought alot of thoughtful thoughts, and the one the ended up bothering me all day now has an answer. Why is it that the people who have authorization to drop bombs so ignorant and unbothered by their use? I'll tell you why, it's ok as long as they don't have to see it, as long as they do not have to witness the death and destruction they cause, and that idea just sickens me.So with this in mind, I understand how the world will end.Cheers and cries of ecstasy and ignorance will shake the very foundations of the world, followed by screams and the horror of understanding.
Lots of random thoughts and ideas, and I bet you didn't follow it at all.