An eternity of waiting.

Jun 26, 2009 04:57

He didn't answer his cell in August. That was alright; just like everyone else in the mansion he was free to go his own way. She figured he'd pitched the phone this time around. She didn't blame him considering what happened last time...
Long ago I was a woman in pain
Wanda had a false alarm in September. She thought her water had broken and them mansion in general panicked. Kurt actually fainted from over-teleporting as he gathered all the necessary materials from her room and tucked them in the van. All that worry and the hospital had assured them it was fine, nothing had happened. It was worth the smile, but it made Kit a little twitchy to realize the baby was coming.
A woman in need
The baby was coming soon.
I ran to you
He'd said he'd be back in time for the baby. She didn't think he wanted to be there for Wanda's sake...a part of her kind of hoped he wanted to be there for hers. But here it was, September, the start of a new school year for most of the residents, and she was still toughing it alone. He didn't answer his phone that night either.
Long ago I did not understand
Then Pietro died. They hadn't seen it coming. He and Wanda had been out at the mall of all places, shopping for baby clothes. A truck jumped the curb and went at the mother-to-be. Pietro took the hit in her stead. Kit sat up with the rest of the children all night as the heart monitor in the ICU slowly stopped beeping. She broke down in the Danger Room before she actually managed to call...and he didn't answer.
You were making me bleed
Something was wrong.
I ran to you
Something was wrong and she couldn't leave. Wanda needed her too much. The mutant witch was treading a very fine line between insanity and suicidal depression as the days past the funeral slipped by. She was dragging everyone else in the mansion down with her too. The Elf crept instead of walking, the Jamies stayed in their room as much as possible, Rogue went to go stay at Raven's for awhile...
When I feel the cold in the dark
...and Kit took care of Wanda. She tried so very hard not to be bitter but...Wanda was older than her! And sometimes...sometimes it would have been nice to lean on someone besides Lockheed.
I know what you can do
She started searching about a week after Pietro's death. Just trawling news sites looking for anything that might be related to Logan. Internet searches...she didn't find anything. That meant one of two things: either he'd gone underground for some reason, of his enemies had caught up to him.
I will crawl through my past
The second idea scared her too much to think about, so she hoped it was the first. She didn't dare start looking through the government channels in case she led them right to him...
Over stones blood and glass
Somehow she talked Wanda into having the birth at Muir. Even she wasn't sure how she'd gotten the witch to agree, but the whole mansion crew loaded up for the flight the moment Wanda's water broke. If the past several weeks had been stressful, a jet flight with a depressed woman in labor was hell on earth. To her credit, Kit didn't kill anyone.
In the ruins
She was the first to hold the newborn baby girl. Isobel was her name...and Kit couldn't help but adore her. She was perfect. All healthy flushed skin and little tiny fingers and toes..even Lockheed was entranced, cooing at her from Kit's shoulder. The smile felt...good. She hadn't smiled since Logan left really, and if anything in this world was worth smiling over, well, a baby certainly was it. She'd never thought about kids herself; her life had been too screwed up, too...unhealthy, but holding Isobel made her just a little bit wistful. Maybe she could be Aunt Kit.
Reaching under the fence
She needed the people at the mansion to stay safe for a little while. Logan's disappearing act was really starting to get to her, and she couldn't go out looking if she had to babysit. Luckily, Wanda had taken the birth hard. She needed to stay with qualified doctors for awhile. It was easy to talk the Jamie's into staying, and Kurt well...
As I try to make sense
...Kurt followed orders. He didn't understand why she wasn't going to take backup with her, but he was willing to guard Isobel and the rest.
In the ruins
She got back to the mansion in late October and...didn't know where to start. All of her vaunted computer skills, all of her contacts were...loud. They left a mark. That was the last thing she needed if Logan was hiding. She was too damn tired to think straight, that was her only excuse for coming to the conclusion she did.
Night after night; I am carving it out
She needed an underground information source.
I will carry it down to the waterside
Of course, she knew one. The problem was...getting to him. Or more accurately, making herself go to him. Just thinking his name made her shiver convulsively in the empty mansion. The Devil was far less terrifying.
Night after night; I am hearing the sound
The first of November saw her in Chicago. Hell by any other name...
Of wings that come beating
The wind cut through the sheer fabric of her body stocking as if it were nonexistent. She'd snagged it from Rogue's closet. The man she was visiting expected a certain appearance, and women only got in the door one way.
I will not hide
The foyer was just as she remembered it. The men lounging and eying those coming in, leering when the could get away with it. The bodyguard remembered her, his large hands testing every inch of her to make sure she was unarmed. Oh yes, he remembered her...and she remembered him. She gave him a smile and didn't break his fingers. She could do that on the way out, after she had what she came for. With one last painful squeeze to her breasts he opened the door "He missed his little kitty". She didn't believe it for a moment. He'd left her to die of an overdose.
When I feel the cold in the dark
Left her to die way back she'd been fourteen and he'd been her pimp. The room was just as she remembered it, and she flowed in, rolling her hips in that lazy, sensual way that he expected.
I will know why
"Hello Daddy Dean"
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