Dec 03, 2004 23:05
Sometimes, when I get like this, it feels like all I want to do is throw up and shake all over the place.
It seems like a better consequence than just accepting it and moving on.
I like dwelling on my troubles.
In other news Chris has pointed out recently that when we try to incorporate others into our group (the group being Chris, Gary, Sam, Evan, Brandon and I. You can't forget Mike either.) something always happens or someone is offended because we just don't give a damn.
I guess we could tone it down a bit but then again we just don't care.
Nothing is held sacred between us, nothing is safe. Not religion, not sexual preference, politics, nothing, and we usually don't care for anyone whose opinion differs much from our own, and that's not to say that we aren't open minded to others beliefs but when they get angry with us for being the way we are we usually just shrug them off.
Not many people can stand us I suppose.
We are, in fact, very blasphemous but we can always justify the situation in our favor.
I guess we just don't need anyone else.
It sucks but then again if that shit is going down in the first place we aren't going to be too happy with the results anyway.
Just something I would like to say.
In other other news, bakesale is tomorrow.
I'm having mixed feelings about the whole thing, I know it'll be rad but then again I don't want to stand all day long listening to bands that are subpar at best.
That and being away from the gang is going to be a bit hard. (Sue me, I'm dependant on others.)
Oh and I'm wearing Sam's pants at the moment.
Yeah I have no other pants to wear tomorrow, shrinkage never looked so good.
That's all people.
Have a swell weekend.