Yay!! ANother Quizzy thing that i stole from Sigi!!

Dec 04, 2004 10:24

Current mood: Blah...really bored
Current music: X-box
Current taste: Ew...morning breah
Current hair: Gross
Current clothes: old dance pants and my army shirt
Current annoyance: "Them" ::points upward::
Current smell: uh....?
Current thing I ought to be doing: English homework
Current windows open: Just this one
Current desktop picture: The Matrix
Current favorite band: umm...not sure its a band but oh wel...Britney SPears
Current book: The Jester,The Odessey, HP#5....thats it
Current cd in stereo: Britney Spears Greatest Hits
Current hate: Love

Smoke?: Nope
Do drugs?: Nope
Have sex?: Sadly, no...
Give oral sex?: Have before
Receive oral sex?: again...sadly,no.

Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Not really
Remember your first love?: ugh. yes
Still love him/her?:I'm not sure
Read the newspaper?: occaisonally
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Si Senor
Believe in miracles?: Yes.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Meh so so
Consider love a mistake?: NO...i just consider it out of my feeble grasp
Like the taste of alcohol?: yes but not beer ::shudders::
Have a favorite candy?: Reeses adn Whatchamacalit
Believe in astrology?: Yes
Believe in magic?: DEFINETLY!
Believe in God?: yes...but not like everyone else does
Go to or plan to go to college: yea
Have any piercings? No but I want one
Have any tattoos?: Yep
Hate yourself: Nope
Have an obsession?: Britney Spears and Charmed mostly OH AND THE MATRIX!
Have a secret crush?: I dont think so
Do they know yet?: ^^
Have a best friend?: Si
Wish on stars?: I wish on EVERYTHING
Care about looks?: o god at the sake of sounding shallow yes

=Love life=

First crush: How the hell am I supposed to remember that?
First kiss: Justy Keenen...ugh...let's not go there
Single or attached?: single:(
Ever been in love?: didn't i already answer this question?
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Perhaps
Do you believe in "the one?": Si
Describe your ideal significant: Understanding, Fun, Mature, Beautiful...believes in the unbelievable...I dunno this is hard

=Juicy stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? No
Have you ever been intoxicated?: Yes
Favorite place to be kissed?: Dunno...but I'd love to kiss int he rain
Shy to make the first move?: A little bit


Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Green
Height: I think around 5' 5"


Bought: Britney Speark CD
Ate & Drank: Eat-Pizza Drink-Water
Read: This thingy
Watched on tv: Ummm......something on MTV

kill: not sure
get really wasted with: VERONICA!
look like: Ummm....Brad Pitt!!
be like: Myself...only famous
avoid: Justy


talked to: Justin
hugged: Robyn
instant messaged: agian...Justin
kissed: That's none of your business


eat: My room
cry: My room


Dated one of your best friends? NO I wanted to at one point though
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Umm...I think
Drank alcohol? Yes
Done drugs? Depends on your definition
Broken the law? Yes
Broken a bone? My toe
Played Truth Or Dare? Yes
Kissed someone you didn't know? No
Been in a fight? Verbal fight- yes, Physical-no
Come close to dying? NO

--WHAT IS:--

The most embarrassing CD in your collection? Umm...none of them I am not ashamed of my music
Your bedroom like?: Umm....messy and original
Your favorite thing for breakfast? Waffles...or...OO HASHBROWNS!!
Your favorite restaurant? Ryans!! (i know pathetic right?)


What's on your bedside table?: Phone
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: Whatever I find
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Dunno
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: Heh...
What is your biggest fear?:Death
What feature are you most insecure about?: Hmm...alot of stuff
Do you ever have to beg?: Umm...occaisonally
Are you a pyromaniac? Nope
Do you have too many love interests?: nope
Crushes? I don't think so
Do you know anyone famous?: Nope
Describe your bed: Bunk bed
Spontaneous or plain?: Umm...a happy medium
Do you know how to play poker?: sorta
What do you carry with you at all times?: Class ring
How do you drive?: Carefully?
What do you miss most about being little?: Not much...except being far from graduating
Are you happy with your given name?: No.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? Every cent in the world
What color is your bedroom?: ugly
What was the last song you were listening to?: Outrageous-Britney Spears
Do you talk a lot?: yea
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: Yea
Do you think you're cute?: ish
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?:no
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: I try to be.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?:Friends
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?: Lol....well attraction usually considering I am bi...however, It makes me sad because I"m single
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