Dec 11, 2006 03:05
.::*you're as close as it gets...
stealing these from pupp on her myspace<3
cause i feel like doing a survey kinda thinggy<333
(and she's a survey whore.)
yay. now she can say someone has called her a whore in her next survey!<3
i am 93% teenager
[x] Held hands with someone
[x] Lost someone
[x] Never got a chance to tell someone something important
[x] Cried your heart out
[x] Danced
Total: 5
[x] Rejected someone
[x] Been called a whore/slut
[x] Heard a rumor about yourself
[x] Hurt someone emotionally
[x] Hurt someone phsyically
Total: 10
[x] Got involved in a sport
[x] got called a dork
[x] Fell in love
[x] Went to a funeral
[x] Know someone who has tried to commit suicide
Total: 15
[x] Wrote a love note
[x] Went through a phase
[x] Got ditched
[x] Know someone really stupid and/or annoying
[] Got in a fist fight with family member
Total: 19
[x] Drank beer or some other kind of alcohol
[x] Made a mistake
[x] Thought you found the one
[ ] Found out a bf/gf cheated on you
[x] Lied to your parents
Total: 23
[x] Been lied to
[x] Felt like the happiest person in the world
[x] Felt like dying.
[x] Had a crush
Total: 27
[] Prayed
[x] Texted in class
[x] Smoked a cigarette
[x] Had more than one crush at a time
[x] Disliked someone
Total: 31
Total in all: 31
Multiply By Three
this is how much of a teenager you are.
Repost this as "I am __% teenager
(93% apparently... even though these things arent limited to teenagers.)
All About Me:
Full Name: desiree k anson
Date of Birth: june 21st 1988
Age: 18.5 (roughly)
Eye Color: dark brown with black diamond-ish shapes in them
Hair Color: strawberry blonde
Height: 5'3 or 5'4ish
Weight: blehhhhh do i have to say? xD
Are You...
Shy: not reeeeealy
Outgoing: aahahaha yea
Mean: if i wanna be <3
Nice: also... if i wanna be.
Energetic: sometimes
Crazy: aahahaha usually. though in various amounts.
Loving: if your on my good side<3
Do You Play Sports: aahahaha well now... that depends what you consider a sport
What Sports: hmmm not going to list eet
What Possition(s): aahahahahaha i wonder.
How Long Have You Played For?: heh like i remember?
Favorite Place To Play: aahahaha....
Are Your Parents Married/Divorced/ Seperated: married
Do You Have Any Brothers: nope
What About Sisters: npoe
Pets: 1 fish, 1 dog, 1 bird, 1 kitten, and 1 adopted outdoor kitty
Children: none
Significant Other: meh hubby xD
Single or Taken: taken
(If Taken) - By Whom: didnt the last section kinda answer this one?
How Long: almost 2 years bitches.
Their Looks:
Of The Opposite Sex, Do You Prefer...
Blue/Green/ Brown Eyes: eh doesnt matter
Blonde/Black/ Brown Hair: dont care
Curly or Straight Hair: dont care
Tall or Short: taller than me (usually)
Fat/ Muscular/Skinny: not overweight. the guy should be in okish shape.
Perfect Date
On Your Perfect Date...
Who Are You With: meh hubby.
Where Is It: depends on meh mood
What Are You Doing: depends on mood.
Are/Is________ In Your Future?
Marriage: mmhmm
Children: deppppppends
How Many: dunno
Girl Names: dunno
Boy Names: dunno
Pets: ah hell yes. i dont know yet though
A Career: novelist, or artist... or something
Flower(s): hmm that would either be roses (in red) or any of the folowing in purple:
iris (or blueish purple)
...and some others<3 i love getting flowers ^_____^
Drink(s): hot apple cider topped with whipped cream and caramel. or booze.
Food(s): alot. i love to cook... and munch on things.
Animal(s): hm i have a couple
Song(s): cant pick just one.
Singer(s): cant pick
Band(s): tons
Restaurant(s): hooters, jekyll and hyde's, mars 2112, outback, linas, just about any hibachi or sushi place or cute italian resturant.
Book(s): tons.
Movie(s): tons... i really love the notebook... and the nightmare before christmas (and just about any other burton film) i'm such a sucker for romances...
Candy(s): depends on my mood
Color: black, grey, green&pink (neon)
1. Have you had any relationships this year?
2. Have you had your birthday yet?
3. Cried yet?
4. Been on a diet?
5. Pulled an all nighter?
6. Drank Starbucks?
oh hell yes. i'd kill a bitch for some right now.
7. Went Camping?
in someone else's house xD
none of that outdoor crap this year.
8. Bought something(s)
9. Met someone special?
10. Been out of state?
11. Gone Snowboarding?
i will before this years over.
(if we get enough snow, and as soon as i buy the rest of my gear)
12. What are you thinking about?
starbucks... thanks to question #6
oh and finals tomorow...
and what im doing on friday.
1.) Hugged someone?
yepp i'm a huggle whore.
2.) Slept in someone else's bed?
3.) Had any alchohol?
4.) Loaned out money?
5.) Gotten in a car accident?
6.) Been called a whore?
(i guess i lost #7 xD)
8.) Done something you regret?
eh... not too sure atm
Last Person you hugged?
ant or joe.
Last Person to call you?
to call me? joe.
last person i called would be ant.
When was the last time you felt stupid?
hm right now kinda. brain isnt functioning.
Who did you last yell at?
hmmmmmmmmm i dont yell serrrrrriously often, so i dunno
What did you do today?
ehhhh woke up, got ready, went to grams, went to ants, stuff, then dinner with ant and joe, home, now comp.
01. Hometown?
h-town bitches
02. Hair color?
strawberry blonde
03. Initials?
04. Hair style?
messy right now.
5. eye color?
dark brown with black diamonds
06. Height:
5'3 or 5'4ish
07. Pets:
1 fish, 1 dog, 1 bird, 1 kitten, and 1 adopted outdoor kitty
08. Mood:
tired... excited for crap going on this week...
and contemplative.
09. Where would you rather be?
sleeping maybe... or being huggled...
actually... being huggled in bed.
10. Last thing you drank?
chocolate milk at the dinnnnnnner
01. Have you ever been in love:
02. Do you believe in love?
(where the hell did i put 3?)
04. Have you ever been heartbroken:
05. Have you ever broken someone's heart:
06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?
twice. (two different friends, at two very different times.)
07. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
maybe when i was little...
08. Are you afraid of committment?
ehhhhh how is a 18yr old supposed to respond to that.
10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life?
hmmmmm i dont think so... not serious ones at least.
01. Are you missing someone right now?
yea... actually i am...
02. Are you happy?
kind of
03. Are you eating anything?
not atm
04. Do you like someone right now?
Alright, let's get to know you. Shall we?
Name? Desiree
State, region, territory, etc? h-town
Hair color? strawberry blonde
Eye color? dark brown with black diamonds in them
Shoe size? 6.5-7
Height? 5'3 or 5'4ish
Can you...?
sing well? i used to be much better than i am now.
*ish outta practice* ¬___¬;
dance to a ballet? i used to...
play piano? i used to...
sit through a four hour movie without getting crabby? i think i might have...
put mascara on without opening your mouth? omg... wow thats hard to do.
two-step? nah
write in cursive really well? i like cursive more than print
sleep all day long if given the chance? mmhmmmm i can and i have.
Do you know how to...?
use/read tarot cards? used to
cook a whole turkey? yus
serve the ball overhand in volleyball? i think so
draw a lion? sure
put together a computer? posssssibly
First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...
mint? either the mint person from candyland or a red and white mint.
doctor? ¬___¬ dun like shots.
vixen? hooker! x3
rain? lightning, mist, pale blue, calm, melancholy... other stuff... i love rain...
heart? love...
thunder? loud, lightning, hot.
mall? shopping, starbucks.
reef? er? uhh i mean coral?
sponge? ...a sponge.
plantation? *coughs*
red? seduction, heart, love, passion
cage? kinky<3
groovy? hippys.
or ali's past usage of "groovy"
color? black, grey, green&pink (neon)
song? cant pick just 1
band? alot
movie? alot
tv show? alot... ninja warrior anime <3, and other stuffs
reality show? ninja warriorrrrrr
book? tons <3s books
word to use? hmm i use alot.
concert you went to? cant remember
thought when waking up on a weekday? gahhh
thing you do when you wake up on the weekend? potty xD
thing you do when you come back home from work/school? compy
This or That
this or that? both
gold or silver? silver
mechanical pencil or regular pencil? depends
classic heavy metal or nu-metal? ehhh
motorcycle or mustang? depends on my mood, and what the motorcycle looks like.
lava lamp or black light? both
spades or diamonds? spades all the way <3
uggs or converse? chucks baby
sweet or sour? both
milk or dark chocolate? deppppends
exercise and eat right or starve youself? exercise &eat right.
friday or saturday? friday biotch.
green or red apples? depends on meh mood
horror movies or romantic comedies? romantic comedies (usually)
cartoons or reality tv? anime bitches.
reading or watching tv? deppppppends on mood.
hamburger helper or hamburger steaks? gah eff that, let me cook something real.
Are you a(n)...
air guitarist? used to be
myspace addict? not really
vampirefreaks addict? nope
bzoink addict? dont know wtf that is, so i guess not.
shop-a-holic? depends.
photograph-a-holic? i love pictures. (not having mine taken though)
doll collector? nah
collector of anything? manga... anime... corsets >___>;;
Crue head? nope
candle freak? wax is fun.
Do you like...?
Doo-wop music? nahhh
green eggs and ham? sure... but i dont eat ham really.
school? bleh no.
learning about history? eh not if its something that is boring
decorating the house for christmas? i love eet
taking surveys? sometimes
talking on the phone? sometimes
Finish the Sentence..........
I went to the grocery store and bought...? ramen... or tea.
I can't see the...? point to finishing that sentance
Me llamo...? desiree
The last concert I went to was...? bambooooozle biotches.
I haven't seen my best friend since...? yesterday?
I have a huge fasination with...? anime
My passion is...? eehehehe lets not finish that one.
I can't live without my...? friendsssss
Okay, Last Question.
What is your main goal for the new year? (get good at snowboarding)
anddddd... to get what i want.
¬___¬ *starts singing* shoes~ lets get some shoes~
lets party~
*musical interlude*
these shoes rule~
and these shoes suck~
these shoes suck~
and these shoes suck~
these shoes are 300 dollars.
these shoes are 300 dollars
these shoes are 300 fcking dollars!
lets get em!!!
...without touching me*::.