I have been soo busy with homework, i haven't had time to hangout with friends, watch a movie, or even sleep. And i'm getting so lonely, the only person that has saote me out is scooter> I had a break down a few days ago i was so stressed, tired, and upset that i cried and i don't do that very often ( thanks foe being there for me cea :x ) I don't even like cring in front of people but I couldn't contorl it and i wasn't really sad. It just that soo much had happened to me it was like my soul hurt and needed to vent the hurt. And then on top of all this I"m begining to feel left out and lonly. I don't even know why i'm writing this nobdy reads it, maybe its to just vent some more before i have anouther break down. The only person who i feel is availble for me to vent to is april and i don't want to bug her with all of it for she is having boy trouble. Apes if you read this i love you, wish you the best, and i'm here for you.
Lonely and Stressed
Your Seduction Style: The Natural
You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.
What Is Your Seduction Style?