(no subject)

Dec 24, 2003 14:11

i finally found out why my mom has been acting all weird and kinda depressed lately
at the begining of the year my grandpa joe, her dad died. i had only met this man once and im not really sure how i should feel about the whole situation
anyways something happened, and im not exactly sure what, but my mom and grandpa were on extremely bad terms, and he died before she could ever reconcile anything wiht him
i thnk the whole reason shes been getting on my case about spending more time with the family is so something like that doesnt happen between us i guess, but i seriously think the way shes acting is hurting our relationship more then its helping

this sunday were driving to mossuri to spread my grandpas ashes, and there is sooooo much tension in my grandmas house because of it.
i just try to stay out of the way and not step on anyones toes
fun vacation not
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