Well, we had our first 911 call in Maryland! Haha. We started to preheat the oven to make a pizza. We were watching TV while it warmed up. Josh went to see if it was ready, then came in the room and went, "Hon? Do we have a fire extinguisher?" I said, "Um, we should. Why?" "Uh, because there's a fire." Haha. We had put some pans in the bottom drawer part, but I, being the idiot I am, also put in our oven mitts because we didn't have any hooks up for them yet. Yeah, real smart. They caught on fire. It was a big fiasco. The fire truck came speeding down the street with lights and sirens and everything (we can see the street out our back door). They had a lieutenant, a captain, a firefighter, a police officer (?), and some other guy I couldn't identify. By the time they got here, it was pretty much out. I felt like a huge douchebag. Hahaha. Oh well.
I took some pictures of the apartment. I had to use my old camera, though, because my good one took a crap shortly after getting here. We still haven't put up any pictures or decorations or anything, but you'll get the gist (oh, and sorry if they're big, I don't remember how to resize):
The entry.
Kitchen. The dining room is off to the right, out of that doorway you see. If you go out the doorway and turn left, it's the living room/rest of the apartment.
Kitchen. Out that doorway and to the left is the entry. To the right is the living room/rest of the apartment.
Kitchen. Once again, we don't have enough food storage space, so those drawer things (formerly used as dresser space) will be used for canned and boxed food. You can see the dining room out the doorway.
Well, this is SUPPOSED to be a dining room. It's also an office/reading room for us.
Living room, from the point of view of the entrance area.
Living room.
Living room.
Living room, with the dining room in the background.
There's our back door/window.
And here's the linen closet. Notice only one shelf of the linen closet is used for any kind of linen.
And the bathroom. It's pretty small and doesn't have much sink space. We bought that shelf thing because there was nowhere to put anything.
Bedroom. To the right is the closet we're using just for storage.
Yeah, there's a loveseat in the bedroom. That door is the walk-in closet.
Penda's crate in our room and looking out into the rest of the apartment.
Josh's side of the walk-in.
My side of the walk-in.
And this is the view from the back door. SuperFresh, Target, etc.
Oh, and here are a couple of pictures of the dogs from the way out here:
Aww. Yeah, they didn't have much choice but to cuddle. Nalo's butt is all the way against my seat, and their heads are against Josh's.
A different spin on things: Penda between the seats, and Nalo at my feet with one leg on Penda. She didn't seem to mind.
Well, that's it.