I hate working afternoons, then going back to my regular shift so early in the week. It kills me.
But I had to switch because tomorrow is my daddy's birthday. (Thankyou
purpleinhereyes for switching shifts with me, you rock)
So exhausted. I spent the day tidying my house and doing massive amounts of laundry before going in to work. Tomorrow I won't have time to do anything but finish up the laundry cause I'll be at my folks house all night. Thursday I have to clean the house, it desperately needs to be vacuumed and dusted. Cause Friday I'll be busy, I'm going on a date! Saturday is the third and I think possibly last curling tournament. It's in Hamilton, again. Saturday night is the sexay pahtee and I still haven't figured out what to wear. I don't know what to wear on friday night either. what do people wear on their first dates? I don't know if i've ever been on one. hrm, curious, very curious indeed.