Clean Slate

Sep 10, 2006 14:53

All of my entries are gone again. Surprise, surprise. My biggest problem with keeping a journal is that when I go back and read over entries I made a year or so earlier, I'm not filled with rainbows and sunshine while reminiscing. I change so much year-to-year that I usually get frustrated with the things the old me did and erase all traces of them so that I can forget. It's not so much that I'm constantly doing stupid new things. It's more that I have a hard time admitting that I still have a whole lot to learn about life and reading over all of my past mistakes reminds me of that.

So here's my journal, all fresh and new, waiting to be written in and then erased again next year.

This new journal is also friends only. That doesn't mean I'm unfriendly, just a little suspicious about all of the creeps out there wandering around the internet. Just leave a comment letting me know a bit about you and why we should be friends and I'll probably add you right back!