Yesterday, I decided that I needed my own copies of the three little books that came with the first Dungeons & Dragons sets. Luckily, I already had pdfs of those books and the four supplements that followed. Printing them out in booklet format proved to be a fairly simple operation (it helps to have a printer that can duplex), which left me with something similar to the originals (except with white covers rather than tan). I was kind of surprised how little paper it takes to print something as a booklet (since each sheet = four pages).
I still need to staple them (which would require a stapler long enough to accommodate the books with staples that can pierce ten to fifteen pages) and trim them. I should be able to do both at the LSC library next time I’m over that way.
I’ve noticed that it’s much easier to read the books as booklets rather than pdfs, which is good because those books are filled with tiny nuggets of useful information that I plan on using in my Swords & Wizardry campaign. The organization isn’t great and I don’t think I could actually run a game out of the books, but they make a great reference.
I also made a copy of the Blackmoor supplement for the write up of the Temple of the Frog, though it also has noticeably better layout and art. I might do Greyhawk and Eldritch Wizardry at some point, but I doubt I’ll even need Gods, Demi-Gods, & Heroes that much-unless my S&W group decided that they want to take on Ares or Thor-but even then I’d have to figure out what to do with the god that have psychic powers.
And now for something unrelated, but not important enough for its own post:
For some reason, I got the idea in my head to construct a gamming schedule based off puns and alliteration. I doubt very much I could actually play a game every day of the week (to say nothing of trying to run that many games), but I came up with the list anyway. To be fair, I only used games that I’m actually interested in playing.
Mutants & Masterminds Monday
Traveler Tuesday
Warhammer (Fantasy Roleplay) Wednesday
Thor’s Day (Scion)
(Werewolf: the) Forsaken Friday
Bliss Stage Saturday
Dark Sunday