(no subject)

Sep 17, 2015 22:05

I guess that sums up what I've been feeling lately. I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but I see it in the way I reply to people, the way I react to new situations. I'm not who I used to be, in the best of ways. I'm more outgoing, happier maybe? Not sure exactly when I changed, it must have been a gradual thing.

It's been raining on and off for what feels like weeks. These last couple of days we've actually been experiencing a storm big enough to have been given a name. We named her Petra, and lots of places around the country are currently flooded. I enjoy the chaos. Our main news outlet put up a gallery of the flooding, I really like the first picture. I do hope the rain will let up soon, though. Don't worry, Oslo hasn't been affected by the storm, really. We've just been getting above average amounts of rain. Though they did evacuate a kindergarten close by a while back because of flash flooding and a high probability of landslides taking the whole kindergarten with it. The landslide never happened, and the water has since receded.

Today was super quiet work wise, I hope I'll hear back from the people I've been doing test translations for soon. Though no paid assignments gave me the chance to start the test translation for the publisher I posted about a couple of days ago. The trashy romance novel. Yeah. Turns out the test translation consists of three parts, each part collected from a different book. The first part is an angsty intro to what must blossom into a wonderful romance, the second part is straight up porn, and the third part is a period drama type of deal. The source text is cringe-worthy and hilarious. It's part smut, part fan-fiction, part adjective story in quality. I enjoy the challenge, but man. Not sure if not having read any romance ever (in any language) is an advantage or disadvantage for this test. We'll find out, I guess. I have the first part done (over 1500 words!!!), two parts to go...

A perk of quitting my job, is of course that Christian still has his. I admit, I leech off of him a bit until I get my business going - and my most recent by proxy purchase is Super Mario Maker. I don't really enjoy building/designing things, but this game looks, feels, and sounds amazing. I've just been playing random levels so far, but I'm sure I'll be intrigued enough to make a couple of levels of my own. If anyone else is playing, share your level IDs! I'll look them up and play them for sure.

random, oslo lol, freelancing, gaming, norway

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