Let's list all my celebrity crushes as I remember them. In chronological order. With pictures. Is there a pattern here? I have no idea.
Some of these are probably out of order, and I can't guarantee I've remembered everyone xD; These are the most noteworthy ones at any rate.
Sam Neill (Alan Grant, Jurassic Park)
... I have NOTHING to add to this. But this is the earliest celebrity crush I remember. It was while I was in primary school.
Leonardo DiCaprio (Jack, Titanic)
My Leo crush was very real, even though I did my best to hide it/deny it. I very, very, very reluctantly went to see Titanic at our local cinema, complaining all the way there and all the way back again ("what a fucking chick flick, I don't like kissy things ewwww"). I go back home, and days later, my bed and bedroom walls were plastered with Leo pictures.
Noah Wyle (John Carter, E.R.)
Uuuuuugh, my E.R. feels. It's too soon, I can't even talk about it. Carter, my clumsy, angsty, emotional baby. I still really dislike the whole story arc involving him going off to Africa, but drug addicted Carter is the most heartbreaking thing, I can't even deal with this right now.
Hugh Jackman (the Wolverine, X-Men)
This is a weird one, but it didn't last too long. I went out and watched the first X-Men film when it first came out. Me and my bff prepared by binge watching as much as possible of the cartoon. It was great. I walked back out with a huge lady boner for Wolverine. I followed Hugh Jackman's career for a while (including checking out the version of Oklahoma! he was in.... XDDD), but it sort of dead ended around Swordfish.
Ewan McGregor (Christian, Moulin Rouge!)
Moulin Rouge! broke me. I was obsessed with this film for years, I am amazed I managed to keep friends during secondary school - I babbled about Christian and Satine as if they were real people. I sang all the songs constantly. I watched and re-watched my DVD set, I knew all the secret codes for the easter eggs, I knew every line, every piece of trivia. The film still makes me cry. Even just looking at screenshots now fills me with a weird sense of nostalgia, longing, and sadness that nothing else is able to make me feel.
I wrote Ewan McGregor fanmail once, and I got a signed picture in return. I still jokingly say that it's one of the items I'd save in case of a fire.
My bff's first comment when she heard I was dating Christian could be retold as ".... oh shit, it's all happening". XDDDD
Brian Molko (lead singer Placebo)
Whatever happened to Placebo anyway?
Tim Roth (Mr. Orange, Reservoir Dogs)
... there is a big gap between Brian Molko and this discovery. I am not sure what I was into in the time in-between. Morning Musume??? Did they block off all other possible celebrity crushes? hahahah amazing.
Tim Roth, though. I don't know. I got really into him, I watched all of Lie to Me. I still think he's pretty hot. Four Rooms is very special to me. Hahahaha. But his performance in Reservoir Dogs, unghhh, so hot. Baby trapped in a corner. The whole "I AM A COP" speech is just... fuuuuck.
Mark Ruffalo (Dave Toschi, Zodiac)
That hair. Zodiac was the first thing I saw him in, and I've babbled a lot about Zodiac on here previously. I think it takes a couple of re-watches for Ruffalo to really stand out maybe, but there's just something so charming about him and his struggles in this film. I love it. And then I moved on to In the Cut (UNGHHHHH) and The Kids Are Alright, and uuuuh yeah. It escalated quickly. Ironically, I don't really like him as Bruce Banner.
Christoph Waltz (Dr. King Schultz, Django Unchained)
Yeeep. This was a whole thing that happened. That fucking beard. Dr. King Schultz just completely slayed me. I haven't really been able to catch up on much of Waltz' filmography. I tried watching Carnage, but there was way too much barfing. I couldn't finish it.
Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman, Breaking Bad)
This is one of my current ones, I guess. And Aaron Paul seems like such an approachable guy, it's kind of weird. I think it's rather rare for me to love both the actor and the character that first got me interested in the actor.. if that makes sense. Ewan McGregor is a noticeable exception. And now Aaron Paul.
Jesse Pinkman is an amazing character. He's so vulnerable, and I guess that's a common trait for all of the characters I fall for. They have some sort of vice, some hidden secret or other life or a dark streak to them. I don't know. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what makes these types stand out as attractive to me. Jesse Pinkman really did a number on me. I'm still not over it.
I wonder if Aaron Paul would reply if I wrote him fanmail. Haaaahahahahhahaha.
Matthew McConaughey (Rust Cohle, True Detective)
Again with the dark, loner, vulnerable type of character. I have tried watching McConaughey in other things and yeaaah nope. He doesn't really do anything for me. Nevermind watching interviews or other tv appearances. No. No. No. It's all Rust. Wonderful, wonderful rust.
What I find most fascinating about this is that all my noteworthy celebrity crushes are dudes, some of them A LOT older than me ... whilst IRL, I mostly crush on girls around my age. Noooot sure how that works.
Anyone see a pattern that I'm not seeing? What are your most notable celebrity crushes?